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Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Still the leading cosmetic treatment worldwide, anti-wrinkle injections are used to soften lines and reduce the appearance of wrinkles throughout the face.

How Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work?

Anti-wrinkle injections act directly on the nerves in the injected area. When used to combat signs of ageing in the face, the target nerves are those which are attached to facial muscles. Botulinum toxin, the substance used for anti-wrinkle injections, suspends the connection between the nerves and facial muscles in the treated area, therefore reducing muscular contractions and lessening expression lines. There are several different brands of botulinum toxin on the market, however most individuals only know of and refer to one single brand. Due to the fact that anti-wrinkle injectables are a classified Schedule 4 drug, regulatory guidelines restrict us from mentioning injectable brands by name. However it should be noted that each brand’s product is formulated differently, and therefore provides results which differ from one another.

How Long Anti-Wrinkle
Injections Last?

The longevity of anti-wrinkle injections is different in every individual, and can be influenced by area of treatment, the depth that the botulinum toxin is administered, and the quantity used. The brand of product used will also have an impact.

What Are The

There are minimal risks associated with anti-wrinkle injections. As per all injectable treatments, there is a risk of bruising, bleeding and/or swelling at the injection site, and infection if care instructions are not followed. An additional risk of hyperhidrosis injections is the potential for compensatory sweating. This means additional sweating in other areas to compensate for the reduction in the treated area, though this side effect is extremely rare.

Will I Look Fake Or Frozen?

The prospect of looking fake or feeling frozen-faced after anti-wrinkle injections is a very common one, and prevents many individuals from trying anti-wrinkle injections. When administered properly by an experienced injector, your results should be undetectable, and feel comfortable. At Skinnotion we aim to provide tailored, natural injectables for our patients that enhance your natural features and leave you feeling beautiful in your own skin. Careful and thorough consultation with your injector prior to treatment is an absolute must as part of this process, to ensure that we fully understand your vision, expectations, and goals.




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